Eric Carlson


ATC offers a unique music curriculum focused on African Marimba, traditional American Folk Music, and Electronic Music Production. The classes are designed to set students up for a lifetime of music making, giving them the basic tools they need to go and contribute to our musical culture independently.

Click on the tabs above to find information for each class. Assignments, due dates, schedules, etc can be found on the quarterly class pages in the drop down menu below each class tab. For example, if you want to find out what you missed in Music Production 1 class, or you want to know when an assignment is due, hover over the Music Production 1 tab above until the drop down menu appears, then choose the page for the appropriate Quarter. You'll find the assignments on that page.

Contact Mr. Carlson at eric.carlson@atcschool.orgSite

Listen to Radio KATC here!

The voice of the Academy for Technology & the Classics.