Hey ATC Students! The first day of school is this Friday. You'll begin your day in your College Crew classes. There, you will receive your Chromebook and Agenda. There are a couple of activities to plan for: ● Magazines Needed: We need magazines for one of our activities. Bring at least five magazines to share in your Crew class and earn an hour of community service! Please drop them off in your Crew Classroom. ● Dress for Success: Plan your outfit with movement in mind! We’ll have both indoor and outdoor activities, so be sure to wear something comfortable. Don’t forget your water bottle, shades, and sunscreen to stay hydrated and protected!
6 months ago, Michael Gurule
ATC Students, did you know that the presence of cell phones in the classroom has been shown to decrease attention and learning for all students, even those who don’t have cell phones? We care about your learning and don’t want you to experience unnecessary barriers to having the most successful school year possible! For this reason, cell phones will be stored in cell phone garages for the duration of class in ALL of your classes. All of your teachers will be using the same system and will have the same expectations. Why do we think this is good for you? It will limit the distractions of your phone and communicate in ways that distract you from learning. It will make learning EASIER because your brain won’t compete for what to pay attention to! It will help you connect with others in real life in ways that can build community. It will help protect you from cyberbullying or harassment in the online space. We’re all looking forward to a great year of learning together!
6 months ago, Michael Gurule
Hey Families! There is “Back to School Blast” tomorrow, August 3, 2024 at Albertsons on Zia and St Francis, from 9am to 5pm. All back to school Immunizations like— TDAP, MMR, HPV and others are available at the pharmacy. Most insurances will cover these vaccinations.
6 months ago, Michael Gurule
I spy.....new paint! Can you guess which room's have new paint?
6 months ago, Michael Gurule
pink paint
Green paint
purple paint
maroon paint
teal paint
I spy....new picnic tables! Students needed more seating space for lunch.
6 months ago, Michael Gurule
new picnic tables
I spy......new stairs! These stairs are much safer for our students and aren't as steep! We even added some new drainage to prevent flooding and washout.
6 months ago, Michael Gurule
New Stairs
Check out the Teen Center's August calendar of events! Also, the Santa Fe Teen Center is hosting a Back-to-school event on August 3! See the uploaded image for all the details!
6 months ago, Michael Gurule
August Cal
August Cal Span
Save the Date
Save the Date
Hey Families! ATC uses DeansList to share information and weekly updates regarding your student. If you haven’t already created your DeansList account, please check your email for the invitation. If you need help with DeansList, please send an email to helpdesk@atcschool.org ATC will still use Remind for important school information and announcements.
6 months ago, Michael Gurule
ATC Parents and Caregivers! Did you know that the presence of cell phones in the classroom has been shown to decrease attention and learning for all students, EVEN those who don’t have a cell phone? This year, all students will be expected to store their cell phones in storage pockets (garages) during class time. Students will have access to their phones before and after school, during passing periods, and at lunch. With this new protocol, we have three goals: 1. To increase student learning and engagement in every class. 2. To improve students’ mental health, as they have hours away from social media and games. 3. To protect all students from cyberbullying and any harassment from online spaces. We encourage you and your student to talk about how you will communicate during the school day and when exactly your child will be available. In case of true emergencies, the front office staff will be available to assist you.
6 months ago, Michael Gurule
cell phone pocket
All athletes must have a current physical on file AND complete the NFHS Learning Student Concussion Course before competing in a sport. Students must take the physical form to the health provider to complete their section. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11JqNNny4rAzHkQYznLpyJFDxeBZnPAi4/view?usp=sharing The NFHS Learning Student Concussion Course is free! Students must sign in to their NFHSLearn account at https://nfhslearn.com/ (or create one), take the concussion course, and print the certificate at the end. Before participating in any sport, the Physical Form and Concussion Course Certificate of Completion must be turned in to the Athletic Director.
6 months ago, Michael Gurule
Check this out! O'Connor on the new climbing wall!
7 months ago, Michael Gurule
Climbing Wall
Free back-to-school vaccines are available throughout Santa Fe County in July and August. This is a great opportunity to ensure your child is caught up on their school-required vaccines! Incoming 7th graders need their 12-year-old vaccines, and high school seniors need their MCV4 booster. Please make an appointment with your child's primary care provider to catch up on any missing vaccines before the start of the school year. If your child does not have a provider, visit vaccineNM.org/Kids for other places to get routine childhood immunizations.
7 months ago, Michael Gurule
Hey Seniors! The Gates Scholarship is now accepting applications. Go to www.thegatesscholarship.org
7 months ago, Michael Gurule
Gates Scholarship
ATC is accepting applications for the Girls Basketball Program Head Coach. Click the link for details and to apply! https://atcschool.applytojob.com/apply/C0lv7UfQ50/Girls-Varsity-Basketball-Head-Coach
7 months ago, Michael Gurule
ATC is accepting applications for the Boys Basketball Program Head Coach. Click the link for details and to apply! https://atcschool.applytojob.com/apply/Ls4vw2UGnt/Boys-Basketball-Program-Coach-2425?referrer=202405222205483BFOD3YXJF0H9PXU
9 months ago, Michael Gurule
There are so many amazing things happening at ATC! Check out this month's edition of the ATC School News.
9 months ago, Michael Gurule
May 2024
May 2024
The City of Santa Fe is seeking Community Science Volunteers! See the flyer for additional details!
9 months ago, Michael Gurule
Community Science Volunteers
Congratulations to ATC, your Class 2A Girls State Champions at the 2024 NMAA State Track and Field Championships 1.ATC 58 2.Menaul 48 3.Capitan 39 High Point Athlete: Charli Koseoglu, ATC 28
9 months ago, Michael Gurule
Hello, fellow humans; there seem to be aliens arriving at ATC!!!! ATC Theater proudly presents All Well in Roswell (Isn’t It?) by Michael Druce. Join us for a zany night of aliens and mystery. Opening night is Friday, May 17th. Doors open at 5:30 pm with Showtime at 6:00. Our matinee performance is Saturday, May 18th. Doors open at 2:30 pm with Showtime at 3:00. General admission is $10, and student admission is $5. We would love to see you there (extraterrestrial beings are allowed).
9 months ago, Michael Gurule
Roswell ATC